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Counselor - Raquel Brown

A Comprehensive School Counseling Program

Includes, but is not limited to, the following services:

  • Individual Counseling: Students can receive individual counseling based on teacher or parent referral. If you would like for your student to receive individual counseling, please call or email the counselor directly. Students can also request to see the school counselor as needed.
  • Small Group Counseling: Small group counseling can be informational guidance for things like social skills, grief support, organizational skills, etc. Informational groups are based on the biggest campus needs. Small groups can also look like "lunch bunches" or peer mediation.
  • Crisis Response: Directly working with students, families, and the threat assessment team to meet and match students with what they need in the event of a crisis.
  • Guidance & Advising: The school counselor goes to every classroom monthly, or bi-monthly, to teach social and emotional skills and conduct restorative circles for a healthy classroom environment. The counselor also sponsors the student advisory counsel, to encourage student voice and leadership. 

Three Pillars

There are three pillars that the school counseling program focuses on when it comes to individual planning, system support, responsive services, and guidance curriculum:

  1. Cognitive Skills
    1. Critical Thinking
    2. Creative & Innovating
    3. Inquiry & Exploration
  2. Interpersonal Skills
    1. Respectful Relationships
    2. Communication Skills
    3. Collaborative Team Player
  3. Intrapersonal Skills
    1. Self Awareness
    2. Personal Responsibility
    3. Adaptable & Persevering

To prepare our students for success at Frost Elementary, we consider how students are currently performing in these skill sets and try to find the best support possible. If you have concerns about a student, please don't hesitate to reach out for further information on how we can best meet your child's needs.

Frost Elementary School Counselor

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